副校長 王陸海 教授
年度 | 學歷 |
1966-1970 | 國立台灣大學動物系畢業 |
1971-1976 | 美國加州柏克萊大學分子生物學研究所博士 |
年度 | 經歷 |
1976-1977 |
美國加州大學柏克萊分校分子生物學博士後研究員 |
1977-1979 | 美國紐約Rockefeller大學博士後研究學者 |
1979-1985 | 美國紐約Rockefeller大學助理教授 |
1985-1988 | 美國紐約Rockefeller大學副教授 |
1988-1992 | 美國紐約Mount Sinai醫學中心微生物學系副教授(終身職) |
1992-2009 | 美國紐約Mount Sinai醫學中心微生物學系教授(終身職) |
1999-2009 | 美國紐約Mount Sinai醫學中心Derald H. Ruttenberg 癌症中心教授(終身職) |
2004-2009 | 美國紐約Mount Sinai醫學院中心腫瘤科學系教授(終身職) |
2008-2017 | 台灣國家衛生研究院分子基因所特聘研究員兼所長 |
2012 | 國家衛生研究院代理院長 |
2012-2014 | 國家衛生研究院副院長 |
2008-迄今 | 台灣國立中央大學兼任教授 |
2017-迄今 | 台灣國家衛生研究院名譽研究員 |
年度 | 榮譽 |
1969 | 國立台灣大學書卷獎 |
1977 | Damon-Runyon-Walter Winchell Cancer Fund 博士後研究獎助 |
1979 | 美國血癌協會獎助 Scholar of American Leukemia Society (declined) |
1979 |
美國癌症協會年輕學者獎助 American Cancer Society Junior Faculty Award |
1979-1984 | 美國國家衛生研究院生涯發展獎助 NIH Research Career Development |
1996-1997 | President, Tri-State Chapter, Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America |
1998-present | Peking Union Medical College 榮譽教授 |
2009 | 中華民國細胞與分子生物學會第十七屆年會 keynote speaker |
2010 | Academician, Academia Sinica, Taiwan |
2010-2014 | President, Chinese Asso of Cell and Molecular Society |
2012 | Fellow, TWAS (The World Academy of Science) |
2013 | Outstanding Breast Cancer Research Award, Breast Cancer Foundation, Taiwan |
年度 | 經歷 |
1986-90;93-96 | 美國國家衛生研究院(NIH)實驗病毒學研究計畫審查委員會(studysection)成員 |
1989 |
美國洛克斐勒大學「反轉錄酶病毒、致癌基因及生長因子」國際會議大會召集人 |
1989-2008 | 美國西奈山醫學院院內研究計畫審查委員會委員 |
1990- | 美國NIH研究計畫審查委員會Reviewerreserve |
1986-90 | 「致癌基因研究雜誌」編輯委員 |
1997 | 美國洛克斐勒大學「致癌基因的發現:從交叉路口到將來」大會主席 |
1997- | 病毒學雜誌編輯委員 |
1997 | 美洲華人生化學會(SCBA)Tri-StateChapter大會召集人 |
1997-2001 | 台灣國家衛生研究院分子與基因醫學研究組諮詢委員 |
1998-2008 | 美國西奈山醫學院升等及聘任審查委員會委員 |
2000- | 台灣國家衛生研究院院院外研究計畫審查委員會諮詢委員 |
2000-2002 | 台灣國家衛生研究院生物技術與藥物研究組諮詢委員 |
2001 | 第十七屆國際致癌基因年會(oncogenemeeting)大會召集人 |
2003-2005 | 美洲華人BiothchandPharmaQuarterly主編 |
2004-2007 | 台灣國科會基因體研究計畫審查委員會委員 |
2009 | 國際細胞分子生物學會(IFCB)trainingprogram計畫主持人 |
2010-2012 | 中華民國細胞與分子生物學會理事長 |
2012-迄今 | 中華民國細胞與分子生物學會監事 |
Wang, L.-H. and Duesberg, P. (1973). DNA polymerase of murine sarcoma-leukemia virus: Lack of detectable RNase H and low activity with viral RNA and natural DNA templates. J.Virol. 12:1512-1521. |
Wang, L.-H., and Duesberg, P. (1974). Properties and location of poly(A) in Rous sarcoma virus RNA. J.Virol. 14:1515-1529. |
Duesberg, P.H., Kawai, S., Wang, L.-H., Vogt, P.K., Murphy, H.M., and Hanafusa, H. (1975). RNA of replication-defective strains of Rous sarcoma virus. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. USA 72:1569-1573. |
Wang, L.-H., Duesberg, P., Beemon, K., and Vogt, P.K. (1975). Mapping RNase T1-resistant oligonucleotides of avian tumor virus RNAs: Sarcoma-specific oligonucleotides are near the poly(A) end and oligonucleotides common to sarcoma and transformation-defection viruses are at the poly(A) end. J.Virol. 16:1051-1070. |
Wang, L.-H., Duesberg, P.H., Kawai, S., and Hanafusa, H. (1975). Location of envelope-specific oligonucleotides on RNA of Schmidt-Ruppin Rous sarcoma virus: In Comparative Leukemia Research 1975, Bibliotheca Haematologica, No. 43. Eds. Clemmensen, J., and Yohn, D.S. Karger, Basel, 1976, pp.542-548. |
Duesberg, P.H., Wang, L.-H., Beemon, K., Kawai, S., and Hanafusa, H. (1975). Sequences and functions of Rous sarcoma virus RNA. In Modern Trends in Human Leukemia II. Eds. Neth, R., Mannweiler, K., and Gallo, R.C. Grune and Stratton, New York, pp. 327-339. |
Wang, L.-H., Duesberg, P.H., Kawai, S., and Hanafusa, H. (1976). Location of envelope-specific and sarcoma-specific oligonucleotides on RNA of Schmidt-Ruppin Rous sarcoma virus. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. USA 73:447-451. |
Wang, L.-H., Duesberg, P., Mellon, P., and Vogt, P. (1976). Distribution of envelope-specific and sarcoma-specific nucleotide sequences from different parents in the RNAs of avian tumor virus recombinants. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. USA 73:1073-1077. |
Duesberg, P.H., Wang, L.-H., Mellon, P., Mason, W.S., and Vogt, P.K. (1976). Towards a complete genetic map of Rous sarcoma virus. In Proceedings of the ICN-UCLA Symposium (1976) on Animal Virology. Eds. Baltimore, D., Huang, A., and Fox, C.F. Academic Press, New York, pp. 107-125. |
Wang, L.-H., Galehouse, D., Mellon, P., Duesberg, P., Mason, W.S., Vogt, P.K. (1977). Mapping oligonucleotides of Rous sarcoma virus RNA that segregate with polymerase and group-specific antigen markers in recombinants. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. USA 73:3952-3956. |
Duesberg, P.H., Wang, L.-H., Mellon, P., Mason, W.S., Vogt, P.K. (1977). The genetic map of Rous sarcoma virus. In Genetic Manipulation as it Affects the Cancer Problem. Eds. Schultz, F., and Brada, Z. Academic Press, New York, pp. 161-179. |
Wang, L.-H., Duesberg, P.H., Robins, T., Yokota, H., Vogt, P.K. (1977). The terminal oligonucleotides of avian tumor virus RNAs are genetically linked. Virology 82:472-492. |
Wang, L.-H., Levinson, W. (1978). N-methyl Isatin B-thiosemicarbazon-copper complex inhibits RNA-dependent DNA polymerase but not ribonuclease H of Rous sarcoma virus. Bioinorganic Chemistry 8:535-540. |
Wang, L.-H., Halpern, C.C., Nadel, M., Hanafusa, H. (1978). Recombination between viral and cellular sequence to generate transforming sarcoma virus. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. USA 75:5812-5816. |
Wang, L.-H. (1978). The gene order of avian RNA tumor viruses derived from biochemical analyses of deletion mutants and viral recombinants. Ann.Rev.Microbiology 32:561-592. |
Wang, L.-H., Karess, R., Moscovici, C., Hanafusa, H. (1979). Analysis of src gene of recombinant viruses between transformation-defective mutant of Rous sarcoma virus and normal quail cells. J. Virol. 32:546-556. |
Wang, L.-H., Snyder, P., Hanafusa, T., Moscovici, C., and Hanafusa, H. (1980). Comparative analysis of cellular and viral sequences related to sarcomagenic cell transformation. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biology 44:755-764. |
Hanafusa, T., Wang, L.-H., Anderson, S.M., Karess, R.E., Hayward, W.S., and Hanafusa, H. (1980). Characterization of a new transforming gene of Fujinami sarcoma virus. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. USA 77:3009-3013. |
Wang, L.-H., Snyder, P., Hanafusa, T., Hanafusa, H. (1980). Evidence for the common origin of viral and cellular sequences involved in sarcomagenic transformation. J.Virol. 35:52-64. |
Hanafusa, H., Wang, L.-H., Hanafusa, T., Anderson, S.M., Karess, R.E., and Hayward, W.S. (1980). The nature and origin of the transforming gene of avian sarcoma viruses. In Animal Virus Genetics, Eds. Fields, B.N., Jaenish, R., and Fox, C.F. Academic Press, New York, Vol. 18, pp. 483-497. |
Wang, L.-H., Feldman, R., Shibuya, M., Hanafusa, H., Notter, M.F.D., and Balduzzi, P.C. (1981). Genetic structure, transforming sequence and gene product of avian sarcoma virus UR1. J.Virol. 40:258-267. |
Wang, L.-H., and Stacey, D. (1982). Participation of subgenomic messenger RNAs in recombination. J.Virol. 41:919-930. |
Wang, L.-H., Hanafusa, H., Notter, M.F.D., and Balduzzi, P.C. (1982). Genetic structure and transforming sequence of avian sarcoma virus UR2. J.Virol. 41:833-841. |
Feldman, R.A., Wang, L.-H., Hanafusa, H., and Balduzzi, P.C. (1982). Avian sarcoma virus UR2 encodes a transforming protein which is associated with a unique protein kinase activity. J.Virol. 42:228-236. |
Neel, B.G., Wang, L.-H., Mathey-Prevot, B., Hanafusa, T., Hanafusa, H., and Hayward, W.S. (1982). Isolation of 16L virus: A rapidly transforming sarcoma virus from an avian leukosis virus-induced sarcoma. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. USA 79:5088-5092. |
Shibuya, M., Wang, L.-H., and Hanafusa, H. (1982). Molecular cloning of Fujinami sarcoma virus genome and its comparison with sequences of other related transforming viruses. J.Virol. 42:1007-1016. |
Wang, L.-H., Beckson, M., Anderson, S., and Hanafusa, H. (1984). Identification of the viral sequence required for the generation of recovered avian sarcoma viruses (rASVs) and characterization of a series of replication-defective rASVs. J.Virol. 49:881-891. |
Wang, L.-H., Edelstein, B., and Mayer, B.J. (1984). Induction of tumors and generation of recovered sarcoma viruses (rASVs) by, and mapping of deletions in, two molecularly cloned src deletion mutants. J.Virol. 50:904-913. |
Neckameyer, W.S., and Wang, L.-H. (1984). Molecular cloning of avian sarcoma virus (ASV) UR2 and comparison of its transforming sequence with those of other ASVs. J.Virol. 50:914-921. |
Neckameyer, W.S., and Wang, L.-H. (1985). Nucleotide sequence of avian sarcoma virus UR2 and comparison of its transforming gene with other members of tyrosine protein kinase oncogene family. J.Virol. 53:879-884. |
Parvin, J.D., and Wang, L.-H. (1984). Mechanism for the generation of src-deletion mutants and recovered sarcoma viruses: Identification of viral sequences involved in src deletions and in recombination with c-src sequence. Virology 138:236-245. |
Wang, L.-H. (1985). Deletion in the 3' pol sequence correlates with aberration of RNA expression in certain replication-defective avian sarcoma viruses. J.Virol. 54:446-459. |
Dutta, A., Wang, L.-H., Hanafusa, T., and Hanafusa, H. (1985). Partial nucleotidesequence of Rous sarcoma virus-29 provides evidence that the original Rous sarcoma virus was replication- defective. J.Virol. 55:728-735. |
Neckameyer, W.S., Shibuya, M., Hsu, M.-T., and Wang, L.-H. (1986). Proto-oncogene c-ros codes for a molecule with structural features common to those of growth factor receptors and displays tissue-specific and developmentally regulated expression. Mol.Cell.Biol. 6:1478-1486. |
Soong, M.-M., Iijima, S., and Wang, L.-H. (1986) Mechanism of c-src transduction by a src deletion mutant of Rous sarcoma virus. J.Virol. 59:556-563. |
Matsushime, H., Wang, L.-H., and Shibuya, M. (1986). Human c-ros-1 gene homologous to v-ros sequence of UR2 sarcoma virus encodes for a transmembrane receptor-like molecule. Mol.Cell.Biol. 6:3000-3004. |
Wang, L.-H. (1988). The ros oncogene. In Oncogene Handbook. E.R. Reddy, T. Curran, A. Skalka (eds.) The ros oncogene, Chap. 9, p135-148. |
Wang, L.-H. (1987). The mechanism of c-src transduction by avian retroviruses. Mutation Research 186:135-147. |
Wang, L.-H. and H. Hanafusa. (1988) The avian sarcoma viruses. Avian sarcoma viruses. Virus Research 9:159-203. |
Ellis, L., Morgan, D.O., Jong, S.-M., Wang, L.-H., Roth, R.A., and Rutter, W.J. (1987). Heterologous transmembrane signaling by a human insulin receptor/v-ros hybrid in CHO cells. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. USA 84:5101-5105. |
Ellis, L., Morgan, D.O., Clauser, E., Reddy, M., Jong, S.-M., Wang, L.-H., Roth, R., and Rutter, W.J. (1986). Mechanism of receptor-mediated transmembrane communication. In Molecular Biology of Homo sapiens, Cold Spring Harbor Symposium Quantitative Biology, Vol. 51, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, pp 773-784. |
Jong, S.-M., and Wang, L.-H. (1987). The transforming protein P68gag-ros of avian sarcoma virus UR2 is a transmembrane protein with the p19 portion protruding extracellularly. Oncogene Research, 1:7-21. |
Wang, L.-H., Iijima, I., Dorai, T., and Lin, B. (1987). Regulation of the expression of proto-oncogene c-src by alternative RNA splicing in chicken skeletal muscle. Oncogene Research, 1:43-59. |
Wang, L.-H., Lin, B., Jong, S.-M., Dixon, D., Ellis, L., Rutter, W.J. and Roth, R. (1987). Activation of the transforming potential of human insulin receptor gene. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. USA 84:5725-5729. |
Shibuya, M., Matsushime, H., Yamazaki, H., Wang, L.-H., Fukui, Y., Ueyama, Y.,. and Tamaoki, N. (1987) Analysis of structure and activation of some receptor-type tyrosine kinase oncogenes. In Oncogenes and Cancer, S.A. Aaronson et al. (eds.). Japan Sci. Sco. Press, Tokyo, pp 195-202. |
Levy, J.B., Dorai, T., Wang, L.-H., and Brugge, J.S. (1987). The structurally distinct form of pp60c-src detected in neuronal cells is encoded by a unique c-src mRNA. Mol.Cell.Biol. 7:4142-4145. |
Sudol, M., Kieswetter, C., Zhao, Yu-Hang, Dorai, T., Wang, L.-H., and Hanafusa, H. (1988). Nucleotide sequence of a cDNA for the chick yes proto-oncogene: comparison with the viral yes gene. Nucleic Acids Res. 16:9876. |
Rutter, W.J., Morgan, D., Ebina, Y., Wang, L.-H., Roth, R., and Ellis, L. (1988). Membrane linked insulin receptor tyrosine kinase stimulates the insulin specific response. Proc.Intl.Conf. on Insulin Action and Diabetes. Calgary, March 26-27, 1987. H.J. Goren, (eds.) Raven Press |
Fukui, Y., Kornbluth, S., Jong, S.-M., Wang, L.-H., and Hanafusa, H. (1989) Phosphotidylinositol kinase type I like activity associated with various oncogene products. Oncogene Research 4:283-292. |
Dorai, T., and Wang, L.-H. (1990) An alternative non-tyrosine protein kinase product of the c-src gene in chicken skeletal muscle. Mol. & Cell. Biol. 10:4068-4079. |
Boulton, T.G., Gregory, J.S., Jong, S.-M., Wang, L.-H., Ellis, L., and Cobb, M.H. (1990) Evidence for insulin-dependent activation of S6 and microtubule-associated protein-2 kinases via a human insulin receptor/v-ros hybrid. J.Biol.Chem. 265:2713-2719. |
Jong, S.-M.J., and Wang, L.-H. (1990) The role of gag sequence in the biochemical properties and transforming activity of the avian sarcoma virus UR2-encoded gag-ros fusion protein. J.Virol. 64:5997-6009. |
Jong, S.-M.J., and Wang, L.-H. (1991) Two point mutations in the transmembrane domain of P68gag-ros inactive its transforming activity and cause a delay in membrane association. J.Virol. 65:180-189. |
Chen, J., Heller, D., Poon, B., Kang, L. and Wang, L.-H. (1991) Proto-oncogene c-ros codes for a transmembrane tyrosine protein kinase sharing sequence and structural homology with sevenless protein of Drosophila melanogaster. Oncogene 6:257-264. |
Poon, B., Dixon, D., Ellis, L., Roth, R.A., Rutter, W.J., and Wang, L.-H. (1991) Molecular basis for activation of tumorigenic potential of a gag-human insulin receptor fusion gene. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. USA 88:877-881. |
Dorai, T., Levy, J.B., Kang, L., Brugge, J.S., and Wang, L.-H. (1991) Analysis of cDNAs of the proto-oncogene c-src: heterogeneity in 5' exons and possible mechanism for the genesis of the 3' end of v-src. Mol.Cell.Biol. August Issue, 11:4165-4176. |
Liu,D., Chen, E., Poon, B., Rutter, W.J., and Wang, L.-H. (1992) Enhancement of Transforming potential of human insulin-like growth factor I receptor by N-terminal truncation and fusion to avian sarcoma virus UR2 gag sequence. J.Virology 66:374-385. |
Jong, S.-M. J., Dorai, T., Wang, L.-H. (1992) Transforming properties and substrates specificities of the protein tyrosine kinase oncogenes ros, src and their recombinants. J. Virol. 66:4909-4918. |
Liu, D., Rutter, W. J. and Wang, L.-H. (1992) Modulatory effect of the extracellular sequence of the human insulinlike growth factor I receptor on its transforming and tumorigenic potential. (1992) J. Virol. 67:9-18. |
Liu, D., Zong, C. S. and Wang, L.-H. (1993) Distinctive effect of the carboxylterminal sequence of the insulinlike growth factor I on its signalling functions. J. Virol. 67:6835-6840. |
Zong, C. S., Poon, B., Chen, J. and Wang, L.-H. (1993) Molecular and biochemical basis for activation of the transforming potential of the proto-oncogene c-ros. J. Virol. 67:6453-6462. |
Chen, J., Hanafusa, T. and Wang, L.-H. (1994) Alanine to glycine mutation in the putative catalytic loop confers temperature sensitivity on ros, insulin receptor and insulinlike growth factor I receptor protein tyrosine kinases. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 91:321-325. |
Chen, J. Zong, C. S. and Wang, L.-H. (1994) Tissue and epithelial cell-specific expression of chicken proto-oncogene c-ros in several organs suggests that it may play roles in their development and mature functions. Oncogene 9: 773-780. |
Liu, D. and Wang, L.-H. (1994) Oncogene, protein tyrosine kinases and signal transduction. J. of Biomedical Sci. 1: 65-82. |
Zong, C. S. and Wang, L-H. (1994) Modulatory effect of the transmembrane domain of oncogene ros protein kinase on its biological function and substrate interaction. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 91:10982-10986. |
Wang, L.-H. (1995) c-Ros protein tyrosine kinase. In The Protein Tyrosine Kinase Factsbook. Ed. D. G. Hardie. pp 202-204. Academic Press. |
Chen, J., Tong, J., Tanaka-Sukegawa,I., and Wang,L.-H. (1995) Cloning and functional characterization of the chicken c-ros promoter. Cell Growth& Differentiation 6: 1523- 1530. |
Jiang,Y., Chan,J.-K., Zong, C.S. and Wang, L.-H. (1996) Effect of tyrosine mutations on the kinase activity and transforming potential of an oncogenic human insulin-like growth factorI receptor J. Biol. Chem. 271:160-167. |
Xiong, Q., Chan, J. L.-K., Zong, C. S. & Wang, L.-H. (1996) Two chimeric receptors of epidermal growth factor receptor and c-Ros that differ in their transmembrane domains have opposite effects on cell growth. Mol. & Cell. Biol. 16: 1509-1518. |
Xiong, Q., Guo, Xiaojun, Zong, C. S., Jong, S.-M. J., Jiang, Y., Chan, J. and Wang, L.-H. (1996) Cloning and expression of chicken protein tyrosine phosphatase gamma. Biomedical J. 3:266-274. |
Zong, C. S., Chan, J. L,-K., Yang, S.-K. and Wang, L.-H.(1997) Mutation of Ros differentially effecting signal transduction pathways leading to cell growth and transformation. J. Biol. Chem. 272:1500-1506. |
Chan J. L.-K., Lai. M. and Wang. L.-H.(1997) Effect of dimerization on signal transduction and biological function of oncogenic Ros, insulin and insulin-like growth factor I receptors. J. Biol. Chem. 272:146-153. |
Chen. J., Sadowski, H., Kohanski, R. and Wang, L.-H.(1997) Stat5 is a physiological substrate of the insulin receptor.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 94:2295-2300. |
Li, W., Jiang, Y.-X., Zhang, J., Kapoor, V. Pierce, J. H. and Wang, L.-H. (1998) Protein kinase C delta is an important molecule in insulin-like growth factor I receptor-mediated cell transformation but not mitogenicity. Mol. Cell Biol. 18:5888-5898. |
Zong, C. S., Zeng, L., Sadowski, H. and Wang, L.-H. (1998) Stat3 plays an important role in oncogenic Ros and insulin growth factor I receptor-mediated cell transformation. J. Biol. Chem.273:28065-28072. |
Soon, L., Flechner, L., Gutkind, J. S., Wang, L.-H., Baserga, R., Pierce, J.H. and Li, W. (1999) Insulin-like growth factor I synergizes with interleukin 4 for hematopoietic cell proliferation independent of insulin receptor substrate expression. Mol. Cell Biol. 19:3816-3828. |
Zong, C. S., Chan, J., Levy, D. E., Horvath, C., Sadowski, H. B. and Wang, L.-H. 2000). Mechanism of Stat3 activation by insulin-like growth factor I receptor. J. Biol. Chem. 275:15099-15105. |
eng, L., Sachdev, P., Yan, L. Trenkel, T. and Wang. L.-H. (2000) Vav3 mediates ignaling of receptor tyrosine kinases, modulates cell morphology and has cell ransforming potential. Mol. Cell. Biol. 20:9212-9224. |
Nguyen, T. K. and Wang. L.-H. (2000) Differential requirement of the MAP kinase and PI3 kinase pathways for transformation of epithelial cells by src versus oncogenic insulin and IGF-1 receptors. Oncogene 19:5385-5397. |
Hermanto, U., Zong, C. S. and Wang, L.-H. (2000) Inhibition of MEK selectively inhibits cell proliferation in human breast cancer cells displaying enhanced IGF-1-mediated MAP kinase activation. Cell Growth & Diff. 11:655-664. |
Sachdev, P., Jiang, Y, Li, W., Miki, T., Maruta, H., Nur-E-Kamal, M.S.A. and Wang, L.-H. (2001) Differential requirement for Rho family GTPases in oncogenic IGF-1 receptor-induced cell transformation. J Biol. Chem. 276:26461-26471. |
Sadowski, C. L., Wheeler, T. T., Wang, L.-H. and Sadowski, H.B. (2001) Direct regulation of IGF-1 and SOCS-2 gene expression by growth hormone in C2C12 skeletal muscle cells. Endocrinology 142:3890-3900. |
Sadowski, C. L., Choi, T.-S., Le, M., Wheeler, T. T., Wang, L.-H. and Sadowski, H. B. (2001) Insulin induction of SOCS-2 and SOCS-3 mRNA expression in C2C12 skeletal muscle cells is mediated by Stat5. J. Biol. Chem. 276:20703-20710. |
Sun, A. S., Yeh, H-C., Wang, L.-H., Huang, Y. P., Maeda, H. Pivazyan, A., Hsu, C., Lewis, E. R., Bruckner, H. W. and Fasy, T. M. (2001) Pilot study of a specific dietary supplement in tumor bearing mice and in stage IIIB and IV Non-small cell lung carcinoma patients. Nutrition and Cancer 39:85-95. |
Hermanto, U., Zong, C. S. and Wang, L.-H.(2001) ErbB2 overexpressing human mammary cancer cells display an increased requirement for the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling pathway in anchorage independent growth. Oncogene 20:7551-7562. |
Hermanto, U., Zong, C.S. and Wang, L.-H. (2002) RACK1, an insulin-like growth factor I receptor-interacting protein, regulates IGF-I-dependent focal adhesion signaling, cell proliferation and colony formation. Mol. Cell. Biol. 22: 2345-2365. |
Nguyen, T., Zong, C.S., Uttamsingh, S., Sachdev, P., Bhanot, M., Le, M., Chan, J. L.-K. and Wang, L.-H. (2002).The role of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, Rho family GTPases and Stat3 in ros-induced cell transformation. J. Biol. Chem. 277:11107-11115. |
Sachdev, P., Zeng, L. and Wang, L.-H. (2002). Distinct role pf phosphotidylinositol 3-kinase and Rho family GTPases in Vav3-induced cell transformation, cell motility, and morphological changes. J. Biol. Chem. 277:17638-17648. |
Le, Maithao N., Kohanski, Ronald.A., Wang, Lu-Hai and Sadowski, Henry (2002). Dual mechanism of signal transduccer and activator of transcription 5 (Stat5) activation by the insulin receptor. Molecular Endocrinology 16:2764-2779. |
Uttamsingh, Shailaja, Zong, Cong S. and Wang, Lu-Hai (2003). Matrix-independent activation of PI3 kinase, Stat3 and cyclin A-associated Cdk2 is essential for anchorage independent growth of v-Ros transformed chicken embryo fibroblasts. J. Biol. Chem. 278:18798-18810. |
Wang, Lu-Hai (2004) Molecular signaling regulating anchorage-independent growth of cancer cells. The Mount Sinai J. of Medicine 71:361-367. |
Lopewz-Bergami, P., Hasen H., Bhoumik, A, Zhang, W., Wang L.-H., and Ronai, Z. (2005) Receptor for RACK1 mediates activation of JNK by protein kinase C. Mol. Cell 19:309-320. |
Zhang, W., Zong, C. S., Hermanto, U., Lopez-Bergami, P., Ronai, Z. and Wang, L.-H. (2005) RACK1 recruits STAT3 specifically to insulin and IGF-1 receptors for activation, which is important for regulating anchorage independent growth. Mol. Cell Biol. 26:413-424. |
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Yu-Ming Yeh, Chi-Mu Chuang, Kuan-Chong Chao and Lu-Hai Wang (2013) MicroRNA-138 suppresses ovarian cancer cell invasion and metastasis by targeting SOX4 and HIF-1a. Intl J. Cancer 133(4):867-78 |
Wei-Chieh Huang, Shih-Hsuan Chan, Te-Hsuan Jang, Jer-Wei Chang, Ying-Chin Ko, Tzu-Chen Yen, Wei-Fan Chiang, Tien-Yu Shieh, Shang-Lun Chiang, Chun-Ta Liao, Jyh-Lyh Juang, Ann-Joy Cheng, Hsueh-Chun Wang, Ya-Ching Lu, and Lu-Hai Wang (2014) Identification of miRNA-491-5p and GIT1 as the modulators and biomarkers for oralsquamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) invasion and metastasis. Cancer Research 74:751-764. |
Shih-Hsuan Chan, Wei-Chieh Huang, Jer-Wei Chang, King Jang Chang, Wen-Hung Kuo, Ming-Yang Wang, Kai-Yuan Lin, Yih-Huei Uen, Ming-Feng Hou, Chao-Mei Lin, Meng-Chong Tan, Te-Hsuan Jang and Lu-Hai Wang. (2014) MicroRNA-149 targets GIT1 to suppress breast cancer metastasis. Oncogene 33(36):4496-507 |
Fang, Wen-Tsen; Fan, Chi-Chen; Li, Shih-Miao; Jang, Te-Hsuan; Lin, Hsiu-Ping; Shih, Neng-Yao; Chen, Chung-Hsing; Wang, Tao-Yeuen; Huang, Shiu-Feng; Lee, Alan Yueh-Luen; Liu, Ying-Lan; Tsai, Fang-Yu; Huang, Chih-Ting; Yang, Su Jing; Yen, Lin-Ju; Chuu, Chih-Pin; Chen, Chih-Yi; Hsiung, Chao A.; Chang, Jang-Yang; Wang, Lu-Hai; Chang, I-Shou; Jiang, Shih Sheng. (2014) "Downregulation of a Putative Tumor Suppressor BMP4 by SOX2 Promotes Growth of Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma" Intl J Cancer 135(4):809-19. |
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Kai-Ti Lin, Yu-Ming Yeh, Scarlett Y. Yang, Jer-Wei Chang, Shu-Pin Sun, Chi-Mu Chuang, Kuan-Chong Chao, and Lu-Hai Wang. (2015) Glucocorticoids Mediate Induction of MicroRNA-708 to Suppress Ovarian Cancer Cell Invasion and Metastasis through Targeting Rap1B. Nature Comm Jan 8;6:5917. doi: 10.1038/ncomms6917 |
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Hui-Ming Chen, Ge Ma, Neil Gildener-Leapman, Samuel Eisenstein, Brian A. Coakley, Junko Ozao, John Mandeli, Celia Divino, Myron Schwartz, Max Sung, Robert Ferris, Johnny Kao, Lu-Hai Wang, Ping-Ying Pan, Eric C. Ko, and Shu-Hsia Chen (2015) Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells as an Immune Parameter in Patients with Concurrent Sunitinib and Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy. Clin Cancer Res; 21(18) 4073-4085. |
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Chien-Wei Tseng, Wen-Hong Kuo, Shih-Hsuan Chan, Hong-Lin Chan, King-Jen Chang, Lu-Hai Wang. (2018) Transketolase Regulates Dynamic Switch of Glucose Metabolism to Control Breast Cancer Metastasis via Alpha-ketoglutarate Signaling. Cancer Research 78(11):2799-2812. |
Yi-Pei Lin, Jun-I Wu, Huei-Jane Chen, and Lu-Hai Wang. (2018) Gjb4 Serves as A Novel Biomarker for Lung Cancer and Promotes Metastasis and Chemoresistance via Src Activation. Oncogene 2018 Sep 3. doi: 10.1038/s41388-018-0471-1. |
Shih-Hsuan Chan, Shu-Yi Chiu, Wen-Hung Kuo, Hen-Yi Chen, King Jen Chang, Wen Jun Hung and Lu-Hai Wang. (2018) Identification of the novel role of CD24 as an oncogenesis regulator and therapeutic target for Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Mol Cancer Ther. 2018 Oct 31. pii: molcanther.0292.2018. doi: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-18-0292. |
Wu, Jun-I., Lin, Yi-Pei, H. J Chen and Wang, Lu-Hai. (2019) Stress-inducible Crabp2 is able to Promote Anchorage-independent Survival and Lung Colonization of Cancer Cells via HuR and Integrin Signaling Scientific Reports. 9(1):845. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-37443-4. |
Jun-I Wu and Lu-Hai Wang. (2019) Emerging Roles of Gap Junction Proteins Connexins in Cancer Metastasis, Chemoresistance and Clinical Application. J Biomedicine. 26(1):8. doi: 10.1186/s12929-019-0497 |
Wei-Chieh Huang; Te-Hsuan Jang; Shiao-Lin Tung; Tzu-Chen Yen; Shih-Hsuan Chan; and Wang, Lu-Hai. (2019) ETS homologous factor/Keratin 16 axis promotes oral squamous cell carcinoma metastasis via enhancing β5-integrin/c-Met signaling pathway JECC 38(1):89. doi: 10.1186/s13046-019-1091-5. |
Chen JY, Lai YS, Chu PY, Chan SH, Wang LH, Hung WC. (2019) Cancer-Derived VEGF-C Increases Chemokine Production in Lymphatic Endothelial Cells to Promote CXCR2-Dependent Cancer Invasion and MDSC Recruitment. Cancers. 11(8). pii: E1120. doi: 10.3390/cancers11081120. |
Yi-Hsiang Wang, Jo-Ting Huang, Wen-Ling Chen, Yan-Ru Pan, Ming-Chien Kao, Shih-Hsuan Chan, Kuo-Wang Tsai, Hsing-Jien Kung, Kai-Ti Lin, and Lu-Hai Wang (2019) Dysregulation of cystathionine γ-lyase promotes prostate cancer progression and metastasis. EMBO Reports Aug 29:e45986. doi: 10.15252/embr.201845986. [Epub ahead of print] |
Kwang-Huei Lin, Hsiang-Cheng Chi, Chung-Ying Tsai, Huang-Yu Yang, Chien-Hui Lo, Won-Jing Wang, Kam-Fai Lee, Li-Yin Lai, Ji-Hong Hong, Yen-Fang Chang, Ming-Ming Tsai, Chau-Ting Yeh, Cheng-Heng Wu, Ching-Chuan Hsieh, Lu-Hai Wang, Wei-Jan Chen, and Chia-Siu Wang (2020) DOCK6 promotes chemo- and radio-resistance of gastric cancer by modulating WNT/β-catenin signaling and cancer stem cell traits. Oncogene Sep; 39(37):5933-5949. |
Jia Meng Pang, Yi-Chen Huang, Shu-Pin Sun, Yan-Ru Pan, Chia-Yi Shen, Ming-Chien Kao, Rong-Hsuan Wang, Lu-Hai Wang, and Kai-Ti Lin (2020) Effects of synthetic glucocorticoids on breast-cancer progression. Steroids 2020 Dec; 164:108738. doi: 10.1016. |
Hui‑Ming Chen, Linus Sun, Ping‑Ying Pan, Lu‑Hai Wang and Shu‑Hsia Chen. (2021) Nutrient supplements from selected botanicals mediated immune modulation of the tumor microenvironment and antitumor mechanism. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy
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Hsu, S-C., Chen, C-L., Cheng, M-L.,Chu, C-Y., Changou, C. A., Yen-Ling Yu, Y-L., Yeh, S-D., Kuo, T-C., Kuo, C-C., Chuu, C-P., Li, C-F., Wang, L-H., Chen, H-W., Yen, Y., Ann, D-K., Wang, H.-J., and Kung, H-J., (2021) Arginine starvation elicits chromatin leakage and cGAS-STING activation via epigenetic silencing of metabolic and DNA-repair genes. Theranostics. 11(15):7527-7545.doi:10.7150/thno.54695. |
Kuo-Wang Tsai, Kian-Hwee Chong , Chao-Hsu Li, Ya-Ting Tu, Yi-Ru Chen, Ming-Cheng Lee, Shih-Hsuan Chan*, Lu-Hai Wang*, Yao-Jen Chang*. (2021) LOC550643, a long noncoding RNA, acts as novel oncogene in regulating breast cancer growth and metastasis. Frontiers Cell and Developmental Biology. 9:695632. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.695632. |
Yi-Hsiang Wang, Chia-Yi Shen, Sheng-Chieh Lin, Wen-Hung Kuo, Yuan-Ting uo, Yu-Ling Hsu, Wen-Ching Wang, Kai-Ti Lin and Lu-Hai Wang. (2021) Monocytes secrete CXCL7 to promote breast cancer progression. Cell Death and Diseases, 12(12):1090. doi: 10.1038/s41419 |
Wei-Chieh Huang, Jia-Hau Yen, Yu-Wen Sung, Shiao-Lin Tung, Po-Ming Chen, Pei-Yi Chu, Ya-Chi Shih, Hsiang-Cheng Chi, Yi-Ching Huang, Shih-Jei Huang and Lu‐Hai Wang. (2021). Novel function of Themis2 in the enhancement of cancer stemness and chemoresistance by releasing PTP1B from Met. Oncogene doi: 10.1038/s41388-021-02136-2. |
Te-Hsuan Jang, Wei-Chieh Huang, Shiao-Lin Tung, Sheng-Chieh Lin, Po-Ming Chen, Chun-Yu Cho, Ya-Yu Yang , Tzu-Chen Yen , Guo-Hsuen Lo 8, Shuang-En Chuang, Lu-Hai Wang. (2022). MicroRNA-485-5p targets keratin 17 to regulate oral cancer stemness and chemoresistance via the integrin/FAK/Src/ERK/β-catenin pathway. J Biomed Sci. 29(1):42. doi: 10.1186/s12929-022- |
S-C. Lin, Y-C Liao, P-M Chen, Y-S Wang, S-L Tung, C-M Juang, and L-H Wang (2022) Periostin Promotes Ovarian Cancer Metastasis by Enhancing M2 Macrophage and cancer –associated fibroblasts via Integrin-mediated NF-κB and TGFβ Signalling. J. Biomedical Sci 29:109 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12929-022-00888 |
Ou-Yang F., Li C.-L., ,Chen C.-C., Shen Y.-C., Moi S.-H., Luo C.-W., Xia Y.-W., Wang Y.-N., Lee H.-H., Wang L.-H., Wang S.-C., Pan M.-R., Hou M.-F., and Hung M.-C. (2022) De-glycosylated membrane PD-L1 in tumor tissues as a biomarker for responsiveness to atezolizumab (Tecentriq) in advanced breast cancer patients. Am J Cancer Res 2022 Jan 15; 12(1):123-137. |
S-C Wong, C-C Yeh, X-Y Zhang, C- Hsieh, C- Lo, T-T Kuo, C-C Lin, C- Chao, J- Liu, L-C Chang, L-H Wang and Y-P Sher (2023) Inhibition of CDCP1 by 8-isopentenylnaringenin synergizes with EGFR inhibitors in lung cancer treatment. Molecular Oncology doi:10.1002/1878-0261.13429 |
Shih-Hsuan Chan, Wen-Hung Kuo and Lu-Hai Wang (2023) SCEL regulates switches between pro-survival and apoptosis of the TNF-α/TNFR1/NF-κB/c-FLIP axis to control lung colonization of triple negative breast cancer. J Biomed Sci 2023 Nov 30; 30(1):93. doi: 10.1186/s12929-023-64. |